Category Archives: The Last Battle

A Year with Aslan: Day 29 – Asking for Help

I have to admit – this blogging is becoming a bit tedious – at least with trying to come up with something to say about the reading from The Chronicles of Narnia.  I mean, as much as I LOVE the writings by C.S. Lewis – I’m just not sure I can pull off 365 days worth of writing material, not even with the “thought-provoking” questions provided with every excerpt. 

Like, today’s reading was about King Tirian (The Last Battle) asking for help in his time of need (He’s been tied to a tree by a monkey’s minions – I’d say he’s pretty desperate)…pleading with Aslan to send the children to save Narnia like he’d done before…
And the question: Why do you think Tirian feels stronger after asking for help, even though there were no signs that help was coming?

How am I supposed to blog about that?  I mean, really….
And who would want to read it, considering I could come up with something to write.

I’m all for keeping my readership up – what readership I may have – but I’m not sure this is the best way to do it.
I was under the impression I needed a gimmick….a theme…something to keep this blog-thing together.  (You know the whole Julie/Julia thing – one year, 500+ recipes…BOOM she gets a book/movie deal)  Obviously I want some of that magic.  So far…this ain’t it.  At least…not for now.

I’m not sure what…if any…theme/gimmick would work for me.
I mean…seriously, I WANT to write.  I want what I have to say to be read…but I’m not finding what I have to say right now worth much…even to me.  My life is monotonous…I cashier from 4 up to 8 hours a day – with random days off which are spent attempting to avoid the public I see every other day. 
What I want to start doing with those days off???

writing more
exercising more
writing more
reading more
writing more
exercising more

You get the idea.
So, maybe this was a good start for January…it gets me in the mood for something else.  (And maybe Aslan will make his way back into my blog later – afterall, what’s a year with Aslan, if I don’t at least keep up the readings?)
But, maybe something else will work for February – it’s a short month, we’ll see how it goes.

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Filed under A Year With Aslan, The Last Battle, writing

A Year with Aslan – Day 8: Too Beautiful to Believe

“Indeed, Sire,” answered Jewel, “I believe it all.  If I seem not to, it is only that my joy is too great to let my belief settle itself.  It is almost too beautiful to believe.”

Ever have one of those moments where life just takes your breath away?  Like…standing on the coast and watching the sun rise/set…or…standing in the middle of the woods, praying for peace, and then…..silence so deep and deafening…

I’ve had that…

It’s been a while….

but, I’ve had that.

I’ll never forget my first summer at camp, walking through the prayer garden I get to a station that instructs me to close my eyes and just be still.  I prayed for peace…for the summer…for my spirit…and all of a sudden…everything around me went completely still.  There were no kids screaming on the sports court, or at the lake, there were no kids complaining because it was hot…or they didn’t want to go to the prayer garden.  And I wasn’t longing for a weekend…for the 24-hours a week I got without kids…without responsibilities…
there was nothing…
and it literally took my breath away.
I opened my eyes…probably only a minute later…and I was refreshed.

I’ll never forget it.

God has this way of mesmorizing me.  I have to admit, it’s been a while since I’ve had a mesmorizing moment…but I can remember those moments from years ago…
I long for days…for moments where I just stand in awe…where I stand and wonder at God’s unfailing love for me…His way of giving me just what I need to worship Him.

Okay…it hasn’t been that long ago…at a Chris Tomlin *cough* concert…I HATE using that word for a Chris Tomlin *cough* show…It’s really a worship experience…
and back in….September?…I had the chance to just stand, for over an hour, and worship God.  There was freedom in my worship that night…and THAT’s what I long for….

those moments that take my breath away…that leave me speechless….that leave me unhindered in my worship of Christ!

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Filed under A Year With Aslan, The Last Battle