Monthly Archives: June 2014

Not sure I can put fully into words all that I’m processing right now – and not just from class, but probably more so from my lunch with my cousin.  Discussing what I’d like to do and options for making that a reality gets me more excited than I can even express.  I know God is working, forming my heart, meshing my desires to His – and I know He has a place for me and my desire for ministry.  But fleshing out what that ministry looks like…
that’s the tough part.
Because a heart for ministry is good, I know that.  But to define and know what that ministry will look like is HUGE for me – and the one thing with which I’ve struggled for the past 5 years.  So…I guess we’ll see where the rest of this week leads.

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June 18, 2014 · 2:01 pm