Monthly Archives: September 2012

Will the REAL Audio Adrenaline please stand up?

So, it’s been seven months since I last wrote something.  And while I’m prone to spend the majority of this post ranting about a specific topic, I feel like it’s a downer to start the post that way.  So, in light of starting off upbeat – I can at least start out with a general (sort of) midyear update.
As for the goals I set for myself at the beginning of the year…yeah, I wasn’t all that confident that I’d complete them all, to be honest.

On the positive side of things, I HAVE kept up a list of books read this year – if you’ve managed to keep up with the added page to my blog.  And as soon as I find the motivation, I believe I will endeavor to create a new blog strictly devoted to book reviews and author information.  As much as I love books, I feel it’s my duty as a reader to share…

after all – it’s reading that’s kept me away from writing.  At least that’s what I keep telling myself.
I’d like to think I’d try to stick with my writing goal and finish my novel in the next three and  half months…but I’m not going to rush it.  I haven’t even opened a semi-completed chapter in several months, let alone try to write a new one.  And I’m too proud of what I’ve got to finish it in a rush.  I still believe in this story…that it can be told well…and eventually get published.

Maybe next year.

As for the whole job thing…and the moving out of my parent’s house thing…
hasn’t happened yet.  But I’m actually moving up in my current job – being given more responsibilities (but not getting paid for them…)
and I think I’m starting grad school in January.  Assuming I get accepted into the program.

So, meet the new band…Audio Adrenaline – the topic set to consume the rest of my post.
Now…those of you that have known me…I’ve been an Adrenaline Junkie for most of my adolescent and adult life.  There wasn’t another band I’d travel hours to see in concert, and work so hard to meet after!  I took Will McGinniss (bassist) a shopping bag full of Starburst once…and completely geeked out when I got the chance to give them to him and he hugged me.  You have no idea.
In an e-mail sent out via (Contemporary Christian Music) this afternoon, I found out that Audio Adrenaline is getting back together.  Commence geekfest!!
But tell me…does the band in the above picture look anything like Audio Adrenaline (pictured below)?

Never mind the new sound that’s bound to ensue with the introduction of a new lead singer – Kevin Max (of former DC Talk fame) – and new drummer and guitarists…but to give this new band the same name as the band I love…it’s a little maddening.
Who can forget their heart for missions, and the heart for church kids these guys had.  It’s part of what pulled me into youth ministry.   It was their music that helped guide me through college and expand my mindset of missions and ministry.

I don’t deny this new Audio Adrenaline will be great – with the former guitarist from SuperChick and the return of bassist Will McGinniss – but does ONE returning band member constitute holding onto the namesake of a visually different band?  Sure, Mark Stuart will still play a part in the background of the band…writing songs and whatnot
but starting out on a new label, with new front-men…It kind of irks me that they’re sticking with the name.
But here’s the thing…even when Audio presumably hung up their instruments (guitarist Tyler Burkum moving on to other musical ventures, and drummer Ben Cissell moving on to other ministries) Mark Stuart and Will continued to raise awareness for the bands mission in Haiti – The Hands and Feet Project – under a different name – Know Hope Collective.
So, why they would now continue under this name is baffling…

Don’t get me wrong.  I’m excited to see Mark and Will continuing the mission!  I’m excited for new music…I always am.
But the more I kept thinking about this tonight…the more it just felt…odd…and a bit of a letdown.  Together…there was just something special about them – Stuart, McGinniss, Burkum, and Cissell – and now…it just doesn’t feel right to me.


that doesn’t mean I won’t be on iTunes with my credit card the day the album comes out!

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