Monthly Archives: August 2011

The Six-Month Catch Up…in 500 words or less

I miss blogging…I miss having something WORTH blogging about. 

I can maybe list a handful of things that have happend within the last few months…aside from my monotous job cashiering…and the uneventful career I’ve made out of sending resumes to churches.

My grandmother died back in April…or May…the months kind of ran together as we were dealing with her sickness at the end.  She fought a hard fight over the last year…and I have to admit…as selfish as it may sound…I’m really glad I had that year with her – despite the fact that she wasn’t really herself.  She wasn’t the woman she used to be…before the heart surgery that changed everything.
I had time this last year to mend a broken relationship…at least as much as I could.  And I have peace in the fact that the last time I spoke with my grandmother, two days before she died, we said ‘i love you.’  And I guess I have even more peace in knowing we both meant it completely.

I still see no end to my part-time cashiering job…and I’m scared that I’m becoming comfortable with it.  I mean…once I have an out…a real out…I won’t look back…
but I’m part of a group at work…we appreciate each other…
and well…yeah…I’ve got a chance to be a witness for Christ.  With the thirty seconds I have with customers….or the few minutes I have…hopefully people can see in me an attitude reflective of Christ’s. 
I don’t know…I have to pray continually for a Christ-like attitude with this job…in the hopes that I’m some kind of positive influence.

And really…that’s my life right now.
It seems there’s struggle all around me.  My family can’t seem to pull its way out of the mire to feel the warmth of the sun…
and it’s getting a bit depressing…I have to admit.

One bright spot??
The roast beef dinner Mom made tonight…with Bisto gravy, carrots, and potatoes…and banana pudding for dessert.

Mood of the Moment: slightly hopeful (I just sent out another resume)
Book of the Moment: Harry Potter and the Order fo the Pheonix
Song of the Moment: “Beautiful Things” by Gungor

I wish I were in Ireland.

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