Monthly Archives: December 2010

On a Cold Winter’s Night

I used to think that Christmastime suddenly meant all was right with the world.  All the stress of life went away.  People were happier.  Problems simply didn’t exist at Christmas.

I so want this to be true.

But it seems, the more Christmas’s I spend at home, the further from truth these ideas become. 
This past year, I’ve been privy to so many truths that my soul cries for the naiveté it once had, especially at Christmas.  That naivete of waking up on Christmas morning and realizing that the world was different.  The naivete of believing it was…just different.

All I want is to feel the joy, the warmth, the uplifting spirit of knowing there’s something different about the world this time of year.
Because, right now…I’m not feeling it.

I’m seeing the stress of a family dealing with too much – a brother NOT dealing with life and responsibilities wisely, a mother dealing with WAY too much with parents in need, a husband in need…
and I”m tired of feeling like I’m the bridge between them all…

because my support is beginning to fail…
I’m cracking under the weight of feeling like I’m not doing enough, that I CAN’T be the daughter I need to be…that I can’t be the Christian I need to be…because I’m sad.  I’m disappointed in myself…i’m losing hope…
and all I want to do is get back to that place I used to be…
and, not for lack of trying….i can’t get back.

And maybe it’s because it’s this time of year…
and maybe it’s because of everything finally mounting up…and I feel like it’s all ready to collapse…I’m ready to collapse…that there’s something waiting to be triggered and it’ll all come falling down on me – I don’t know if I”m strong enough to keep holding it up. 

The effort it took to put up our Christmas tree, alone, was so great…even doing it a week later than usual.  And I did it alone.
the desire I normally have for worship, for celebrating the advent of Christ….it’s taking everything within me to find it…to put anything into action.
and it’s killing me that I just don’t want to…

I want healing in my family.  I want healing in my soul.
Because for all the bad I’m seeing…for all the stress…for all the worst I see in people despite the holiday season…I’ve not lost hope in the gift of this season.  I know there’s healing and deliverence in the birth of Christ.  I know there’s redemption and hope in the birth of Christ.
And I long for that to take hold of my heart – that hope, that redemption, that deliverence…I long to feel the excitement Iused to feel – that warmth, that peace…that despite the crap going on…there’s something bigger worth striving for…there’s Someone worth living for…

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Filed under Life in General

The month ends the way it began…

Saw a friend post a month-in-review…thought I’d copy…

1. Papaw took a sneezing spell…and I decided to try my hand at blogging once a day for the entire month.

2. Had an interview with and was subsequently hired by Wal-Mart then took a couple self-discovery quizes to find I’m not only Luna Lovegood from Harry potter, but I’m also Samwise Gamgee from Lord of the Rings (two of my favorite fictional characters).

3. Came down with a cold…and finally decided to go vote – still not sure who all won that election.  Then felt like a loser.

4. Did some online shopping for my neices and nephews – maybe the last time I felt Christmas…and started following Clinton and Stacey on Twitter (you know…the What Not to Wear peeps) before taking another self discovery quiz to find out I’d actually be the hero were I to be part of a horror movie!!  Geeked myself out a bit with the discovery of the Backstreet Boys/NKOTB tour…and applied for two more ministry jobs.

5.  Cancelled plans with a friend…

6.  Skipped church a few times…

7.  felt like a loser.

8.  felt downcast. started training with Wal-Mart which consisted of playing stupid board games and watching videos made in the 90’s.

9. Skipped some more church… 

10. broke my diet and ate a can of Spaghetti-O’s then nearly cried while watching the video for Tenth Avenue North’s latest single “You Are More”

Tenth Avenue North – You Are More from Provident Label Group on Vimeo.

11.  had my first day off so I finished reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix

12. had a not-getting on the internet spell that lasted about 5 days…

17.  reconnected with a friend and finally watched Whip It! 

18.  Spent the day reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

19.  made plans with the friend I cancelled on earlier.

20. Finished reading The Pearl by John Steinbeck and began readin Girl, Interrupted by Susanna Kayson

21. Ron Weasley…I think I love you!  Went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 1

22.  Sooooo want to go see Harry Potter again…

23.  Discoverd a new YA novel trilogy – The Hunger Games – decide to add to my list of books to read – can’t get a song out of my head and heart…commence listening to it about a dozen times.

24.  nearly die from the earliness of being awake at 3:30a.m. – having to work at 6:30a.m sucks

25.  Visited Nana at the nursing home…nearly ruined Thanksgiving with a stupid comment and an overreaction from the person I said it to…

26.  Disover what Black Friday is all about at Wal-Mart…not so scary from 4:00 in the afternoon on…

27.  Finished Girl, Interrupted and started reading Rescuing Patty Hearst by Virginia Holman

28.  Go to church for the first time in weeks…but my heart feels like the @relientK song – “It’s always winter but never Christmas” – i miss the old feelings of Christmas this year…

29.  drew a blank

30.  began writing again.

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